Shaun Tawodi Meeks lives in Toronto, Ontario with his partner, Mina LaFleur. Shaun has been writing for many years now, with over 50 short stories in publication. He is proud of his Native American heritage, and has passed his passion of Native culture and history to his children who are Cherokee, Muskogee Creek, and Ojibwa. He is the author of the Dillion the Monster Dick series (The Gate at Lake Drive, Earthbound and Down, Altered Gate, Heads, You Lose), and A Touch of DeathDark Reaches, Brother's Ilk, At the Gates of Madness, Shutdown and the novelette, Down on the Farm. His most recent work has appeared in Midian Unmade, Terror Unimaginable, Pulp Noir, Rogue Nation, A Feast of Feast of Frights, Fresh Fear, Dark Moon Digest 15, Of Devils & Deviants. Shaun will be releasing his latest novel, Maymon, and a new collection, From Nightmares, Dreams, in the new year. For more information or to contact him, go to www.shaunmeeks.com.